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New Ways to Compete: How to Gain a Relative Market Share Advantage Over Your Rivals


Not all companies will benefit equally from this new system. As is true with marketing or finance or employee development, some organizations will excel in manipulating, analyzing, and responding to the data Confirm generates. But no company will be locked out of access to the data or the opportunity to use it to compete. As in airlines and so many other industries, competition shifts from building tools that collect data to using generally available tools to turning data into information and information into knowledge.

New Ways to Compete

PNC Financial Services understands the importance of a business's relationship with its bank -- after all, such relationships can affects a business's ability to find new ways to emerge and succeed in an ever-shifting market. Thankfully, PNC says it is happy to provide the financial resources of local leaders as one of the nation's largest banks, so that your business can achieve its goals no matter how daunting the task.

This doctrine of persistent engagement reflects the fact that one-off cyber operations are unlikely to defeat adversaries. Instead, U.S. forces must compete with adversaries on a recurring basis, making it far more difficult for them to advance their goals over time. For example, publicly releasing adversary malware obtained during hunt forward missions to the cybersecurity community makes that malware less effective because defenses can be tuned to detect and defeat it. Additionally, cyber effects operations allow Cyber Command to disrupt and degrade the capabilities our adversaries use to conduct attacks.

Your customer care team should always remain courteous and respectful. They must always be responsive to customer queries. They should have a problem-solving approach and always ask for customer feedback. Customer-centric companies are powered by dependable staff who raise the level of customer satisfaction. [See our top choices for business phone systems to ensure your customer care team has access to the best communication tools available.]

There is also a proliferation of different terms, frameworks, and concepts related to agility and new ways of working. When looking at what companies are actually deploying, cross-functional teams is the most widely applied agile concept (used by 74 percent), while application of self-managing teams (used by 49 percent), and application of lean (used by 44 percent), are also common (Exhibit C). Scrum and chapters are also being used at scale.1A chapter is a functional group, for example of data scientists or account managers, that come together to ensure consistency across teams, build capabilities, set the long-term direction for the domain, and drive people development. At the other end of the list, the least used methods are scaled agility frameworks (used by 21 percent), flow-to-work pools (used by 9 percent), and holacracy, sociocracy, and teal paradigms (used by less than 3 percent).

Some larger organizations drive top-down change through senior leaders. For example, Roche, a biotechnology company with 94,000 employees in more than 100 countries, launched its change efforts through a personal change program for its senior leaders. More than 1,000 leaders took a four-day immersive program that introduced them to the mindsets and capabilities needed to lead an agile organization. The intent of the program was to help leaders recognize the ways in which their individual mindsets, thoughts, and feelings manifested in the organizations they led and how to drive agility within their domain. Today, agility has been embraced and widely deployed within Roche in many forms and across many of its organizations, engaging tens of thousands of people in applying agile mindsets and ways of working.

The strength of destabilizing forces such as digitization, globalization and deregulation are gathering pace and affecting all businesses, making it harder than ever to plan for the future. Competition from Brazil, India and China is intensifying all the time but in new and different ways. These new entrepreneurs are quick to identify market opportunities, do not feel tied to the old ways of doing things and seem able to motivate their employees in new and exciting ways.

CEOs must identify different ways of competing against these emerging, aggressive, innovative global entrepreneurs. They must develop not only appropriate strategies, but also the necessary leadership skills to deliver adaptive corporate cultures, management process and innovation. Without such innovation and strong leadership skills strategic initiatives will fail.

There are many reasons why Western companies are currently failing to compete successfully against these emerging markets. Many large, successful companies have become victims of their own success. CEOs were taught that, to achieve success and profitability, they should design and control their business environment, corporate culture and resources. Although this enhanced profitability in the short term (by driving down costs) it created a culture of bureaucracy and an inability to cope with fast-paced change. They managed the world around them in a regimented manner using data analytics, scenario planning and predictive planning. Unfortunately, what they lost was the ability to adapt quickly to ever-changing environments.

New ways of thinking are becoming ever more important. To deal with the fast pace of change fast pattern recognition becomes more important than the ability to analyse preconceived scenarios and historical datasets. CEOs are the people who have to create the future and shape the market and competitive forces to their advantage. They will need to employ people with different talents who see change as a challenge and can cope with it; who see competitors in emerging markets not as threats but as something to understand and potentially emulate.

  • The Red World is a perfect incubator for innovation with organisations and individuals racing to give consumers what they want.

  • Digital platforms and technology enable those with winning ideas and allow for specialist and niche profit-markers to flourish. Businesses innovate to create personalisation and find new ways to serve these niches.

  • But in a world where ideas rule and innovation outpaces regulation, the risks are high. Today's winning business could be tomorrow's court case.

Differentiation allows you to provide superior value to customers at an affordable price, creating a win-win scenario that can boost the overall profitability and viability of your business. Our research indicates there are six primary ways to differentiate, including product, service, channels of distribution, relationships, reputation/image, and price.

An often overlooked means of differentiation is through company personnel. Employees, associates, or team members with customer interface can provide and demonstrate competence, courtesy, credibility, reliability, and responsiveness. Responsible for executing day-to-day client-facing communication, they are the linkage between the product and customer. If that linkage breaks down, the business is destroyed.

An image or reputation can be a daunting hurdle for potential new entrants. DuPont, for example, generally has a strong image as a technical powerhouse in almost all markets in which they participate. The company employs a large number of engineers, scientists, and product development experts. Their sales reps often have a strong technical education or background, and their products are positioned as being leading edge. Milliken and Company has a similar image. For the potential new start-up wishing to compete against such a juggernaut, often the only option is a type of guerilla warfare.

Every night without fail, Paul Blumstein straps on a mask that prevents him from repeatedly waking up, gasping for air. googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1450190541376-1'); ); It's been his routine since he was diagnosed with a condition called sleep apnea. While it helps, he doesn't like wearing the mask."It's like an octopus has clung to my face," said Blumstein, 70, of Annandale, Virginia. "I just want to sleep once in a while without that feeling."It's been two decades since doctors fully recognized that breathing that stops and starts during sleep is tied to a host of health issues, even early death, but there still isn't a treatment that most people find easy to use.Airway pressure masks, the most common remedy, have improved in design, getting smaller and quieter, but patients still complain about sore nostrils, dry mouths and claustrophobia.Now, new ways of conquering sleep apnea, and the explosive snoring that comes with it, are vying for a place in the bedrooms of millions of people craving a good night's sleep. Products range from a $350 restraint meant to discourage back sleeping to a $24,000 surgical implant that pushes the tongue forward with each breath.Mouthpieces, fitted by dentists, work for some people but have their own problems, including jaw pain. Some patients try surgery, but it often doesn't work. Doctors recommend weight loss, but diet and exercise can be challenging for people who aren't sleeping well.So far, no pills for sleep apnea exist, but researchers are working on it. One drug containing THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, showed promise in a study this year.What is sleep apnea? In people with the condition, throat and tongue muscles relax and block the airway during sleep, caused by obesity, aging or facial structure. They stop breathing, sometimes for up to a minute and hundreds of times each night, then awake with loud gasping and snoring. That prevents them from getting deep, restorative sleep.They are more likely than others to have strokes, heart attacks and heart rhythm problems, and they're more likely to die prematurely. But it's hard to tease out whether those problems are caused by sleep apnea itself, or by excess weight, lack of exercise or something else entirely. This May 31, 2018 photo shows capsules of dronabinol in Chicago. The pharmaceutical, which is already being used to treat the side effects of chemotherapy, showed potential as a treatment for sleep apnea in a small study published earlier this year. The medication contains THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. (AP Photo/Teresa Crawford) For specialists, the first-choice, most-studied remedy remains continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP. It's a motorized device that pumps air through a mask to open a sleeper's airway. About 5 million Americans have tried CPAP, but up to a third gave up during the first several years because of discomfort and inconvenience. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push(); Martin Braun, 76, of New York City stopped using his noisy machine and awkward mask, but now he's trying again after a car crash when he fell asleep at the wheel. "That's when I realized, OK this is serious stuff already," said Braun, who has ordered a quieter CPAP model.Sleep medicine is a relatively new field. The most rigorous studies are small or don't follow patients for longer than six months, said Dr. Alex Krist of Virginia Commonwealth University, who served on a federal guidelines panel that reviewed sleep apnea treatments before recommending against screening adults who have no symptoms."We don't know as much about the benefits of treating sleep apnea as we should," said Krist, vice-chair of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.While scientists haven't proved CPAP helps people live longer, evidence shows it can reduce blood pressure, improve daytime sleepiness, lessen snoring and reduce the number of times a patient stops breathing. CPAP also improves quality of life, mood and productivity.With noticeable results, many CPAP users, even those like Blumstein with a love-hate relationship with their devices, persist.Blumstein was diagnosed about 15 years ago after he fell asleep behind the wheel at a traffic light. He shared his frustrations with using a mask at a recent patient-organized meeting with the Food and Drug Administration, as did Joelle Dobrow of Los Angeles, who said it took her seven years to find one she liked."I went through 26 different mask styles," she said. "I kept a spreadsheet so I wouldn't duplicate it."Researchers are now focused on how to get people to use a mask more faithfully and predicting who is likely to abandon it and could start instead with a dental device."It's the bane of my existence as a sleep doctor," said Dr. James Rowley of Wayne State University in Detroit. "A lot of what sleep doctors do in the first few months after diagnosis is help people be able to use their CPAP." Researcher David Carley of the University of Illinois at Chicago poses for a photo at the school on May 31, 2018. A small experiment in 73 people suggests dronabinol, which contains THC, helps some with sleep apnea, but wasn't completely effective. It may work better in combination with CPAP or other devices, Carley says. (AP Photo/Teresa Crawford) Getting it right quickly is important because of insurers' use-it-or-lose-it policies.Medicare and other insurers stop paying for a rented CPAP machine if a new patient isn't using it enough. But patients often have trouble with settings and masks, with little help from equipment suppliers, according to Dr. Susan Redline of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.All told, it can drive people toward surgery.Victoria McCullough, 69, of Escondido, California, was one of the first to receive a pacemaker-like device that stimulates a nerve to push the tongue forward during sleep. Now, more than 3,000 people worldwide have received the Inspire implant. Infections and punctured lungs have been reported; the company says serious complications are rare.McCullough said she asked her doctor to remove the device soon after it was activated in 2015."It was Frankenstein-ish. I didn't like it at all," McCullough said. "My tongue was just thrashing over my teeth."Others like the implant. "My quality of life is 100 percent better," said Kyleene Perry, 74, of Edmonds, Washington, who got one in February after struggling with CPAP for two years. "People are saying, 'You look so much better.' I have a lot more energy."The THC pill, known as dronabinol, already is used to ease chemotherapy side effects. A small experiment in 73 people suggests it helps some but wasn't completely effective. It may work better in combination with CPAP or other devices, said researcher David Carley of the University of Illinois at Chicago. He owns stock in Respire Rx Pharmaceuticals, which has a licensing agreement with the university for a sleep apnea pill.As the search for better treatments continues, listening to patients will be key, said Redline."We are actually just treating a very tiny percentage of people effectively," she said. 2018 The Associated Press. 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