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(2011) 17 M 32 Siberian Mouse


The enzyme is expressed in many tissues and organs (parenchymal and stromal tissue of the brain, kidneys, prostate,breasts, cervix, uterus, ovaries, and lymph nodes) and in intraocular structures. CYP1B1 mRNA is detectable in the ciliarybody, iris, and retina but is absent in trabecular meshwork (Muskhelishvili et al., 2001; Doshi et al., 2006). A study onhomozygous mouse knockouts of this gene showed an oculardrainage structure malformation, confirming the involvementof this gene in the development of ocular aberrations (Libby etal., 2003). In humans, CYP1B1 gene expression was revealedthroughout all embryonic eye development and during thepostnatal period, but its level is higher in fetal eyes than inadult ones. It can be assumed that the product of this genemetabolizes some important substrate that plays a key rolein the development and maturation of eye tissues (Doshi etal., 2006).

Klingenberg M. Pigments of rat liver microsomes. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 1958;75:376-386. DOI 10.1016/0003-9861(58)90436-3.Libby R.T., Smith R.S., Savinova O.V., Zabaleta A., Martin J.E., Gonzalez F.J., John S.W. Modification of ocular defects in mouse developmental glaucoma models by tyrosinase. Science. 2003;299(5612):1578-1581. DOI 10.1126/science.1080095.

(2011) 17 m 32 siberian mouse

Laboulaye M.A., Duan X., Qiao M., Whitney I.E., Sanes J.R. Mappingtransgene insertion sites reveals complex interactions betweenmouse transgenes and neighboring endogenous genes. Front. Mol.Neurosci. 2018;11:385. DOI 10.3389/fnmol.2018.00385

Don't know why, don't know if it was an update, or the fact that i just went to Lion, but now my mouse only works on my hard table surface, and barely moves (pointer just chunks along) if i try moving the mouse on the mouse pad, which it works fine on for a year.

This exact same problem just happened to me today when I got home from class.. Used my Magic Mouse on the same trackpad since i got it over a year ago, and all of a suddent I get home and it won't work on my mousepad anymore. Also won't work on paper... only works on the surface of my desk..

Just did the security update, Safari update, iTunes update, and iPhoto update last night, and then today my mouse doesn't work on my mousepad just my desk surface. Although I'm not sure if the software updates are related, I'm wondering if my year-old mouse just has a mechanical problem. Any other ideas?

Didn't knew something like this was possible until now,Having the same problem. Used the mouse on mouse pad and on my bed for as long as 1.5 years.Was working fine yesterday. Until I woke up in the morning and find out, it doesn't work(movement is too slow and jittery making it impossible to move as desired) on my mousepad or anyplace else other than my wooden desk, which has shiny surface. Weird!

I had the same problem. Even though my Apple Mouse 2 is designed to work on hard surfaces (like my barren desk top) - I don't like the noise. So I prefer to and have been using a mousepad for as long as I've had my MacBook Pro. When it suddenly stopped working on the mousepad, I Googled some help and this is where I ended up. The only solution was to ensure the sensors were clean. So I cleaned it with a blast of canned air, and it works on my mousepad once again. I also cleaned the mousepad.

I've had this problem with my Apple Magic mouse for years, and the usual solution was to make sure the sensors are clean (no dust, no pet hair), but recently, after changing the batteries, it refused to work on a mouse pad. Worked just fine on the polished wood desktop, but no matter how thoroughly I tried to clean it, the mouse pad was no go.

I've been using iMacs for over 8 years now and have had a Magic Mouse do this off and on for both my original machine, as well as my new one I'm presently using. I also have 3 large and very hairy pups. German Shepard/Siberian Husky mix, and because of them, I have excessive hair, dust etc. that we try to keep to a minimum, but it's unavoidable and impossible to completely control. ... So when the mouse gets jumpy, I can usually just blow a little air in the hole where the sensor is and it's fine. (Because it removes some sort of debris) But sometimes it takes more then just puffs of air and I've had to remove the cover (as others have stated) to get something that wouldn't remove with just air. (Unfortunately, there isn't a cover on the newer Magic Mouse II, which is simply plugged in via a lightening port, since it has re-chargeable batteries. Though the port's location could have been better thought out. IMO) If you ever happen to get something down in there where the puffs of air won't remove by itself, you might need a bright light and magnifying glass to check it thoroughly to see what you missed, which is usually a small hair or similar. - (The Magic Mouse II can be taken apart as with anything, but it's not designed to be and a simply look on-line to see how it's done will probably keep most from attempting it)

Flavonoids from seed and fruit extracts of sea buckthorn inhibited glycometabolism and reduced serum glucose, serum cholesterol, and serum triglycerides in mice.(Cao 2003) In a streptozocin-induced diabetes mouse model, the major proinflammatory mediators (tumor necrosis factor [TNF]-alpha, interleukin [IL]-6, C-reactive protein) and key transcription factor (NF-kappaB) associated with inflammation and insulin resistance were observed after administration of sea buckthorn seed protein, procyanidin, and polysaccharide extracts. Additionally, effects on insulin, fasting blood glucose, and lipid parameters were measured. After 3 doses of each extract (50, 100, and 200 mg/kg/day) were given for 4 weeks, sea buckthorn seed protein extract at medium and high doses resulted in significant improvements in body weight, fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and serum insulin, as well as the inflammatory biomarkers C-reactive, IL-6, TNF-alpha, and NF-kappaB (0.01

The gut microbiome has been shown to impact the health of its host, in particular by mediating the impact of diet on host body weight [1,2,3]. Specific interactions between dietary components, the microbiome, and the host are however still cumbersome to determine and confirm. While it is possible to perform such studies in humans, the costs involved, time constraints, and the need to control many confounders make it desirable to conduct such research in other species, where the findings might be predictive of human results. The traditional lab mouse has been widely used for this purpose, but its value has been questioned [4, 5]. Recently, pigs, although much more expensive, have been proposed as an alternative model as they may be closer to humans in phenotype and diet [6, 7]. Pigs have long been known to possess a gastrointestinal tract similar to that of humans and have been used as model animals in nutrition studies [8].

Dog gut microbiome gene catalog in comparison to human, mouse and pig. a Overview of gene catalog generation pipeline. b Phylogenetic relationship of the four hosts considered in this study, obtained by whole genome alignments, as reported by Murphy et al. [10]. c Distribution by phylum of the genes in the dog, human, mouse, and pig gut gene catalogs. d Principal coordinate analysis of genus-level taxonomic distribution in four mammal hosts (including two human cohorts), based on abundance-weighted Jaccard distance. e Mapping rates of reads from each of the four hosts when recruited against the human gene catalog. f Overlap of gene catalogs at 95% identity between the catalogs of the four species considered (in thousands of genes). g Principal coordinate analysis of SNP-based differentiation of strains from human and dog for the two most abundant species in dogs

In this context, we investigated the effect of dietary intervention on the dog gut microbiome in a randomized control trial (RCT), containing equal numbers of lean/normal (LN) and overweight/obese dogs (OW). After a feed-in period with a baseline diet (Base), dogs were randomly assigned to one of two diets: (1) a high-protein/low-carbohydrate (HPLC) diet or a (2) lower-protein/higher-carbohydrate (LPHC) diet (Fig. 2a and Additional file 6: Table S6). This experimental design allowed us to explore differential effects of diet on the microbiome of OW dogs compared to that of LN dogs. Using shotgun deep sequencing, we built a non-redundant gene catalog of the dog gut microbiome, which we compared to previously published catalogs for the human, mouse, and pig guts.

To further quantify the overlap of the three animal gut microbiomes with that of the human, we recruited short sequencing reads from each host-associated gut microbiome to the human gut gene catalog [28], accounting for gene differential abundance (Fig. 1e). As expected, human reads from the MetaHIT [31] and the HMP projects [32] mapped at the highest rate to the human catalog. Among the animal microbiomes, a much larger fraction of dog reads map to the human catalog than is the case for pigs: 63% of dog reads could be mapped to the human catalog, compared to only 32.9% of pig and 19.9% of mouse reads. When mapping human reads to the animal catalogs, 28% of reads can be mapped to the dog catalog, just slightly more than the fraction that can be mapped to the pig catalog, 27.2%. A lower rate, 22.5%, maps to the mouse catalog (Additional file 9: Figure S3).

To evaluate the overlap between the gene catalogs, we clustered all the catalogs together using the same parameters as were used when building the catalogs (see Fig. 1d). The dog gut gene pool overlaps most with the human microbiome (309,232 out of 1,247,405, circa 26%) and the murine one least (122,131 out of 2,487,431; 4.9%), with the pig catalog in-between (797,746 out of 7,238,249; 11.0%), the latter very similar to a previous report [7]. These conclusions are robust to removing low abundance genes or equalizing the number of genes by random sampling (see Additional file 10: Figure S4). Due to its larger size (9,780,814 genes), the human catalog overlaps with the animal microbiomes at much lower rates, namely 3.2% for dogs, 8.2% for pigs, and only 1.2% in the case of mouse. 2ff7e9595c

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